Pandora Music
Pandora is a well-established music streaming platform. The task at hand was to develop a refreshed, engaging brand identity that would appeal to an audience of diverse listeners.
Streaming Platform
Gus Granger
Brand Identity
Pandora is named for the moon of Saturn, and I used this as the primary concept for the new visual identity system. Interested in this motion, I worked to develop the static, recognizable shape of Saturn’s rings for the logo. To support this graphic, I looked at techy typefaces evocative of space exploration.
I transitioned from the cool blues utilized by the current brand and into a yellow in order to remain consistent with the planet Saturn system and introduce a color unused by competing prominent music streaming platforms. The yellow is supported by white and shades of gray to support consistency, as well as provide high contrast to assist emphasis.
Further Application
To contrast the static rings of the logo and create
a dynamic visual identity system to be applied to
the interface and marketing campaigns, I constructed waves of similar line weight, but varying in color.